Marvelous May!

One year ago today we started Liberty’s Letters! Liberty World and FriendsWe’re so excited to see how many people are enjoying the adventures of Liberty and her pals in our apps. We’re even more excited because very soon we’ll have more adventures to share! So stay tuned because lots of good things are coming in May.

This month we are muy muy emocionado to be celebrating Cinco de Mayo! Do you know why we celebrate Cinco de Mayo here in America? Cinco de Mayo was actually started by a groupmexico of students attending California State University. These students wanted a way to bring awareness to their culture and celebrate their chicano history. That’s how Cinco de Mayo was born.

On May 5th we celebrate the courage of the Mexican people during La Batalla de Puebla. So while you’re eating nachos, playing with a piñata or enjoying a mariachi band raise your glass in honor of the Mexican people! Diversity brings so much joy to our culture here in America.Nancy Linari Mom

We hope you have something special planned for Mother’s Day this year because we sure do. Our mom’s do so much hard work every day and on Mother’s Day it’s important to tell them just how special they are. You don’t have to take your mom to a fancy brunch or buy her expensive jewelry, all you have to do is let her know that her love and sacrifice means the world to you. We can’t wait for you to get to know Liberty’s mom in our next app. Her name is Jackie Lan, and she is voiced by the marvelous Nancy Linari! Keep an eye out for a sneak peek this month.


If you’re looking for something whimsical to do this month Kite kiteDay is May 12. Maybe you could make a kite with your mom and go and fly it together! Flying a kite is so free and fun. There’s definitely something magical about watching a kite climb it’s way into the sky.

Memorial Day is almost here and that means that summer is on the horizon! So many great barbecues and get togethers happen on this three day weekend. We encourage you to take a memorial day memermoment while you’re together with your loved ones to remember the ultimate sacrifice paid by so many men and women who fought for our freedom.

On Memorial Day we honor the dead for the sacrifice they made in fighting for freedom in America. We honor their sacrifice by remembering them and continuing the crusade by, “rising up in their stead and continuing the fight for liberty and justice for all.” ( If you can, find a local flag ceremony to attend. If not, here are some other great ways to celebrate Memorial Day…

We at World of Liberty are grateful for the sacrifices made by our service men and women and we are honored to live in a country of heroes.

Have a Marvelous May!